Ever feel like you're swimming in a sea of chaos at work? Maybe you’re paddling just to keep afloat while emails, meetings, and the ever-elusive lunch break whirl around you. It's a jungle out there, and sometimes it feels like the monkeys are running the show. But fear not! With a little understanding of Circles of Influence, you can regain your balance, influence positive change, and even have a bit of fun along the way.
What Are Circles of Influence?
Circles of Influence are like those ripples in a pond when you toss a stone in—except in this metaphor, the pond is your workplace, and the stone is your actions, words, and decisions. The idea is simple: Focus on what you can control, acknowledge what you can influence, and let go of the rest (looking at you, broken office coffee machine).
Imagine three concentric circles:
1. Circle of Control: The smallest circle, representing things you have direct control over. Think of this as your personal work habits, your responses to situations, and how many times you refresh your inbox.
2. Circle of Influence: The middle circle, which includes aspects you can affect indirectly, like team dynamics, project outcomes, and office snack choices (because yes, your input on snack selection matters).
3. Circle of Concern: The outermost circle, full of things that might worry you but are beyond your control—like global economic trends, the weather, or why the printer always jams at the worst possible moment.
Thanks to Learning Loop, here's a diagram, which might be more helpful:

How to Use Circles of Influence to Improve Workplace Culture
Step 1: Identify Your Circles
Start by mapping out what falls into each of these circles in your work life. Once you’ve categorised everything from your daily tasks to broader company policies, you’ll have a clearer view of where you can make a difference.
Step 2: Focus on What You Can Control
Channel your energy into what lies within your Circle of Control. This might include fostering open communication, leading by example, or simply being the person who always says "Good morning!" with a smile (even if it’s pre-coffee).
Step 3: Expand Your Influence
Next, consider how you can extend your influence. In the context of teal working—where hierarchy is flatter than a pancake and self-management is the name of the game—your ability to influence others becomes even more significant. Start by building relationships, sharing knowledge, and being a supportive teammate. Influence isn’t about wielding power; it’s about inspiring others to join you in making positive changes.
Step 4: Let Go of the Uncontrollable
This is the tough one—releasing the concerns you can’t directly change. The key here is to acknowledge them, then refocus your energy on what’s within your grasp. It’s kind of like Marie Kondo-ing your stress.
Teal Working: A Circle of Influence in Action
Teal organisations are all about autonomy, wholeness, and purpose. In such a setup, the Circle of Influence expands because everyone’s voice matters. Here, you're not just influencing; you’re co-creating. Whether it’s through self-organising teams, transparent decision-making, or just ensuring there’s always a stock of gluten-free snacks, every action you take has the potential to ripple outwards.
In a teal environment, leadership isn’t a title; it’s an action. Everyone leads by example, whether they’re a manager, a team member, or the person who always restocks the office fridge (seriously, those people are heroes).
Wrapping It Up with a Smile
Using Circles of Influence isn’t about controlling everything—because, let’s face it, that’s impossible (especially with a cat as your Zoom meeting co-star). It’s about recognising where you can make an impact and working from there. When you focus on what you can control and influence, you’ll find that your workplace culture starts to reflect that positivity and proactive energy.
So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember: Toss that proverbial stone into your workplace pond and watch the ripples of your influence spread. And if in doubt, always bring snacks to the team meeting. That’s a win in anyone’s book!